Welcome to The Hub

Gain the skills and support you need to build your business.

The Hub is designed to help you succeed by providing expert-led courses and customized coaching.

On-Line Access to Sessions & Workshops

On-demand support to learn at your own pace.

The Hub offers a wide range of courses and resources to help you develop the skills you need to build and grow your business.

Our courses are led by industry experts and focus on practical, hands-on learning, so you can apply what you learn to your business right away. In addition to our courses, we also offer 1:1 coaching and technical assistance. We can help you find the right fit for you and your business, as we help support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Book a 1:1 Coaching Session

As a member, you can unlock 1:1 coaching, legal and accounting support for your business.

About Us

Opportunity Connect: A Business Network for Neighborhood Leaders

Opportunity Connect is a neighborhood-based business support network that works collaboratively to remove the barriers limiting Black and underrepresented entrepreneurs. We accelerate the growth of small businesses through training and technical assistance, technology, and trusted connections to capital and opportunity.